Opening A New Business With No IT Support? 3 Services An Outside IT Service Should Offer Your Company

11 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog


If you are opening a new business, it is vital that your computers and other devices work all the time. If you have no IT support to keep everything up and running, you need to hire someone to do this for you. One option you have is hiring an outside IT service. This can save you money as you will not have to pay benefits, wages, and more to employees. To help you get started, below are three things you should look for when hiring an outside IT service company.

Quick Service

One of the most important things to look for in an IT services company is quick services. This is beneficial because if your computers go down, such as your computer network, the IT service can get you back up and running quickly. The service can generally do this over the phone. They may need to, however, send someone to your company to make the repair. If this is the case, the service company likely knows of qualified individuals in the area that can provide the service to you. This is if the IT company is not located in your area. Representatives should be included in the monthly fee that you currently pay.

There should be many ways to contact the IT services company, such as through emailing, text messaging, and calling.

The Right Support

Ask the IT services company what support they offer. For example, they should be experienced in working with computer networks if you have this set up. They should also be able to work on routers, laptops, computers, and more.

Even if your company does not have an entire network set up, things can still be confusing for someone that has no IT experienced. The company you hire can quickly determine the type of setup you have so they can properly support you.

Marketing Services

There are some IT service companies that offer different types of marketing services, such as email marketing or social media management. This can help grow your business, and you can leave everything up to the professionals.

The IT services company will create an email list and send out information about your products and services to this list. The company will also set up social media accounts if you do not already have them. The company will then add information to the accounts to help draw in visitors. This is a great way to advertise your business.

Talk with a few IT service companies in your area to learn much more about what they can offer.