Things To Know About Colocation Hosting Services

19 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Are you frustrated with your website having so much downtime and causing you to lose possible sales? The way to resolve the problem might be to invest in colocation hosting, which will be beneficial in more than one way. You can begin by hiring a broker that can assist with finding the best deal on hosting services. This article covers a few of the things that can help you decide if a colocation broker can put an end to the problems with your website.

You Maintain Control Over Your Server

If you want to maintain control over your server while making sure it does not experience a lot of downtime, colocation hosting is ideal. Basically, your network equipment will be kept in a building that is owned by the hosting company, but you will always have access to the equipment. If something goes wrong with the server, you can easily visit the building to bring the network back to a stable condition. Keep in mind that there might also be an option in which the hosting company can assist with bringing the server back up on your behalf.

There Will Be More Electricity for Your Business Needs

One of the reasons for servers to go down is due to there not being enough electrical volts running through the wires in a building. The bad thing is that buildings are only able to make use of as many volts as the electrical panel will allow. You would end up having to invest in new wiring for your building if it is needed for the server to stop going down. Colocation hosting companies are able to supply all of the electricity that is needed for keep your servers running all day and night.

The Hosting Company Will Provide the Uplink Port

Before you can connect your website to the server, there might need to be an uplink port in place. Basically, the port makes it possible for the transit and receives circuits to be reversed. Uplink ports are useful because they can expand the size of a network, which is needed when running an online business. It is common for colocation hosting companies to provide the uplink port.

Maintenance Can be Done on Your Behalf

A big benefit of colocation hosting is that your equipment will receive maintenance. For instance, the hosing company will make sure your equipment does not accumulate a lot of dust. The company will also invest in preventative maintenance for the building to keep your equipment safe, such as by preventing water leaks.