Instances Where Oracle Management Support Is A Necessity

29 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog


Computer services, regardless of how tech savvy you think you are, will always be a necessity. Why? Because there are things that only a computer programmer would understand, know how to do. and know how to fix. For that reason, software programs such as Oracle Management absolutely need support teams and IT people. If  you still are not convinced, check out some of these instance where Oracle Management support is an absolute necessity.

A System Kill-Switch Needs a Master Override

Someone has hacked your system and is sending a virus into your company's computers that is unlike any other anywhere else in the world. While you could probably admire the ingenuity of such a virus, you would also want to stop it before it accesses all of your files and/or destroys all of the company's computers. That is where Oracle's support comes in because they (support) would know exactly how to shut down an Oracle system with a master override password. A system kill-switch can be activated by accessing the main data base to which everything else is linked and/or connected and destroy the virus.

High Security Needs Very Few Passwords

Another main component of Oracle is its ability to safely store and secure virtual information so that only one of a very few people is ever able to access those files. High security situations need even fewer people in the know and fewer people to access them. With Oracle Management, you can dictate who does and does not have access by using a simple password. Oracle may also allow you to set up a limited number of attempts to enter your password/code, and then lock out suspected non-users. To set these features up correctly, you would need Oracle support.

You Can Store Files Out of Sight

Oracle also lets you store your most important files out of sight. Even when you are reviewing them, you can click on a few tabs to hide them and no one entering your office is the wiser. These files will be saved when shrunk down and placed out of sight, rather than closed, which can be quite frustrating when you are working on them or actually want to keep them in plain view without prying eyes. The Oracle support team members would be the first ones to consult on these matters, as well as your company's own IT matters if you are staying away from high support costs.

Contact a company like Famsoft for more information.